The effects of critical success factors on effective strategy implementation in organisations


  • J. Tapera
  • C. Makanyeza
  • Z. Muranda


development, critical success factors, organisational performance, strategy implementation, sustainable growth


Effective strategy implementation is very critical for every organisation, be it in the private or public sector, profit or non-profit, small to medium enterprise or large corporate. Despite its importance in supporting organisational performance, and ascertaining sustainable growth and development, effective strategy implementation has remained elusive for most organisations. This study is an expository discourse on some of the critical success factors that have been proved to enhance the effectiveness of strategy implementation, with a view to continuously improving organisational performance and ascertaining sustainable growth and development. The methodology in this study is an integrative literature review, which entails a critical examination of both theoretical and empirical literature that authenticate the veracity of these critical success factors and the significance of their contribution towards strategy implementation success. Findings from the analysis of empirical literature affirm that organisations that meticulously and diligently pay attention to these critical success factors attain better results in strategy implementation compared to those that do not. The study concludes that while the application of these critical success factors may vary from one organisation to the other, a conscientious focus on, and meticulous application thereof can have significant positive effect on the success of strategy implementation, resulting in improved organisation performance, sustainable growth and development. It is also concluded in this study that these critical success factors are interdependent and complementary in their contribution towards effective strategy implementation, and should, thus, not be focused on in isolation. It is therefore recommended that organisations that desire to improve the effectiveness of their strategy implementation pay closer attention to these critical success factors.



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