An Examination of Production Challenges Faced by Clothing Manufacturing Companies in Zimbabwe Towards a Competitive Strategy


  • C. Mauwa
  • T. Dandira
  • F. Chimbindi


Clothing, Production, Competitiveness, Mass production, Quality


The Zimbabwe Clothing manufacturing sector is struggling to survive and produce competitive products due to the economic down turn. The study aimed at examining the challenges faced by the clothing manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe with the aim o suggesting strategies that could be implemented to improve competitiveness of clothing products for the market. Qualitative research approach and a descriptive case study research design was adopted for the study. The population comprised managers, supervisors and designers purposively selected from five clothing manufacturing companies in Harare, Zimbabwe. The sample was made up of twenty-one participants. Data was gathered using telephonic interviews. The study found out that the clothing manufacturing industries were facing challenges of low quality fashion products, simple designs, outdated machinery, poor infrastructure, high rates of imports and high inflation rate. It was suggested that the clothing manufacturing industry may implement strategies like product differentiation and new product development using advanced technologies to improve competitiveness of products on the market among other recommendations


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