A review of performance management systems in higher education institutions across the globe
Performance management systems, Higher education institutionsAbstract
A concern has been raised that African countries have been copying and using tools that are developed in the West and these have not added value to concerned institutions in developing countries. As a result of this copy and paste tendency, Performance Management Systems (PMS) used in developing countries are obsolete to the extent that there is no accountability of staff with regards to their performance. This paper is based on a review of literature on Performance Management Systems in higher education institutions (HEIs). It is an extract from a project whose major objective was to develop a bespoke Performance Management System that can be used for quality assurance and its enhancement in Higher Education Institutions. The articles were identified through a systematic literature review by searching for key terms on the EBSCOhost data base using key words and backward snowballing. The findings are that performance management in higher education can be improved by taking the strengths of the current systems and adopt them to current conditions. Furthermore, the systems can be further improved with the aid of information and communication technology tools.

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