The Design of an IoT based automatic pollution monitoring system
Urban areas, Air pollution, Vehicle emissions, Monitoring system, CH4 concentrationAbstract
Urban areas are characterized by high population density and extreme air pollution due to mobile machines and industrial activities. Automobiles are one of the main sources of air pollution. The main aim of this research was to monitor the amount of vehicle emissions and ambient air pollution levels depending on vehicle density. This research also investigates cold start emissions from petrol vehicle engines. Design science research methodology was implemented in designing the monitoring system, compatible for both ambient and onboard emission monitoring. The system was designed with emission detection sensors installed on four locations of Chinhoyi urban to monitor ambient air pollution, and on vehicle exhaust tail pipes to monitor vehicle emissions. Highest average CO level (3.27ppm) was found in a location with highest vehicle density (33 vehicles at Location 2 (CHTMBusStop)). It was also observed that Location 1 (CHEMA) had higher vehicle density as compared to location in Chinhoyi urban. However, CO concentration (0.44ppm) at Location 1 (CHEMA) is lower than CO concentrations at locations in Chinhoyi town (0.56ppm and 0.98ppm at Location 3 (CCFCRobots) and Location 4 (CKERobots) respectively). This is attributed to the driving mode of vehicles in highway driving cycle and urban driving cycle. It was found that as vehicle density increased from 15 to 18, CO concentration also increased from 0.56ppm to 0.98ppm respectively. A location furthest from town (location 1) had the minimum CH4 concentration (2.57ppm), and as we move closer to town CBD CH4, concentrations increased significantly (5.94ppm, 7.52ppm and 57.34ppm at location 2, 3, and 4 (Chinhoyi town CBD) respectively). The average CO emission level from vehicle exhaust tailpipes found was 78.39ppm, which is not above the set limit of 90ppm for at most 15minutes. However, the maximum concentration of CO observed from exhaust tail pipes was 988.69ppm. Nissan Sylphy (engine capacity of 1,798cm3, engine model MRA8DE) without converter was found to emit more CO pollutants (279.97ppm) as compared to Toyota Alex2001 (engine of capacity 1496cm3) and Toyota Runx with engine capacity of 1497cm3 (58.57ppm and 20.91ppm respectively). The CO emission levels from vehicles with catalytic converter exist within Zimbabwean emission limits.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Martin Masheka, Downmore Musademba, Engelbert Kapuya, Mercy Chinyuku, Shakemore Chinofunga

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